How To Get Your Medical Cannabis Card in South Dakota

Oh, how the times are a-changin’! In 2020, 70 percent of voters in South Dakota passed Measure 26 to approve medical cannabis in their state. Since then, the South Dakota Medical Cannabis program has taken off with flying colors. But while cannabis advocates across the nation celebrate, some residents in this new, emerging market are still hazy on the details. 

Basically, the new law allows patient card holders privileges such as protections against arrest, prosecution or penalties of any kind, for cannabis possession, growth and use. 

Where can I get in line, you ask? 

Read on for a step-by-step process of how to apply and get certified for a medical cannabis card in the state of South Dakota. 

What conditions are approved for medical cannabis use in South Dakota? 

Firstly, all residents are eligible and can apply for a medical patient card in South Dakota, provided they live in the state and are 18 or older. Patients would also need to be diagnosed with one or more medical issues and certified with a written recommendation for medical cannabis use from a state-approved physician. 

Under the law, medical cannabis can be used for those with a “debilitating medical condition,” which results in the following symptoms: “cachexia or wasting syndrome; severe, debilitating pain; severe nausea; seizures; or severe and persistent muscle spasms, including those characteristic of multiple sclerosis.” 

According to NORML, that includes the following conditions: 


  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) 

  • Multiple sclerosis 

  • Cancer associated with severe or chronic pain, nausea or severe vomiting, or cachexia or severe wasting 

  • Crohn’s disease 

  • Epilepsy and seizures 

  • Glaucoma 

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 

  • Other medical conditions or their treatments may be added by the Department of Health 

What do I need to apply for my South Dakota Medical Cannabis Card? 

You’ll need a few essentials to get the process started: 

  • Copy of an unexpired form of identification (e.g., driver’s license, passport, US government-issued ID card, tribal ID card, student ID card);  

  • Passport-quality photo 

  • Pay a $75.00 fee. Low-income individuals (those with gross monthly household income can request a lower fee by submitting proof of income.) 

Medical Cannabis Patient Process Overview Graphic for South Dakota

Five Steps For Getting Your South Dakota MMJ Card 

Step One: See Your Doctor 

The first step involves making an appointment with an approved, state-licensed physician who will determine if your condition qualifies you. Unfortunately, this visit has to be in person, although online options may roll out in the future. 

Step Two: Registration  

If your condition qualifies, your physician will head over to an online patient portal and from there, a medical certification will be issued.

Step Three: Enter Your Info 

Next, you’ll receive an email to create an account on the state’s application website. Once complete, you’ll wait for Department of Health’s (DOH)approval. 

Step Four: Caregiver and Minor Applications 

Some applications, including minor patient applications, require caregivers to be registered. Caregivers will receive an email to create an account on the state’s website and once complete, will also be required to wait for DOH approval. 

Step Five: Approval 

Following DOH approval, a medical cannabis card will be mailed to the patient or caregiver. The patient card holder may then purchase cannabis from a medical cannabis establishment within South Dakota such as the first to launch the state’s medical cannabis market, Unity Rd. of Hartford. 


The Finer Details 

Cannabis purchase limits in South Dakota are three ounces of cannabis flower every 14 days, and residents may also apply to cultivate no more than two flowering cannabis plants in their home, along with two cannabis plants that are not. South Dakota’s Medical Cannabis Program specifically advises individuals to exercise caution, if using a third-party source offering to assist with the application process. 


Choose Your Dispensary Wisely 

If you’re making your first foray into medical cannabis, it's ideal to choose a dispensary that is well-equipped with welcoming and knowledgeable team members that can guide you through proper dosing, specific strains and the different consumption methods. While we are obviously partial, Unity Rd. in Hartford, South Dakota is a great first port of call for newly minted card holders! They’ll answer your questions, share their experience, and generally help make your cannabis experience a positive one. 

For more information on the South Dakota Medical Cannabis Program and how to qualify for a medical patient card, visit  

Welcome to the fold, South Dakota! 


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